In this transmission, you’ll be hearing from artists with links to Brighton. Music, Field Recordings, poetry, nonsense, talks and walks from Yael Karavan, Tim Harbridge, Xelís de Toro, Alejandro Vargas, Matt Page, Yassin Zelestine, Suzanne Almond, A. AV and Soundless Mind Eraser.
Tschuture by Soundless Mind Eraser
Automatic Walkman Poetry by Marv
Hieroglyphic Stairway by Drew Dellinger read by Yael Karavan
This is a Call by Tim Harbridge
Field Recordings and I am in a Breath Xelís de Toro
Improvisations by Xelís de Toro & Alejandro Vargas
Requiem by Kurt Vonnegut read by Yael Karavan
4am / Peculiarities of the night by Yassin Zelestine
Suz’s Art Club by Suzanne Almond
Once More Unto The Breach by Tim Harbridge featuring Xelís de Toro
Up & Out in Brighton & Lisbon by Yael Karavan and Tim Harbridge
Moroccan Field recordings by Matt Page
Campanas de Bastabales by Xelís de Toro
I Found God by Tim Harbridge from Disfigurine, 2017
The fear of missing the last mockba metro and having to ask how to get home by A.AV
from Multi screen projection music_screen_02, 2019
First broadcast on Radio Reverb 97.2FM and DAB, Brighton, UK on 7th June 2020.
Yael Karavan
Tim Harbridge
Xelís de Toro
Suzanne Almond
Matt Page
Yassin Zelestine
Alejandro Vargas